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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


Malysh E.V., k.e.n., dotsent, starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Institut ekonomiki Uralskogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk (g. Ekaterinburg, ul. Moskovskaya, 29).

In article application of system approach to the land and rent relations is considered. In this regard system approach in relation to economic systems is characterized. The author has conducted a research of formation of the system ideas in studying of development of human society and culture. During the analysis it has been found out that attempts to track genesis were made repeatedly, the problem of establishment of comprehensive definition results from etymology of the word "system" and its philosophical filling. However, the author points that he isn't present and there can't be only one wording of the term "system" since definition of this term is depending on the accepted abstraction level. Each of possible levels of systems possesses opportunities limited and inherent only in this level of abstraction. The author has marked out properties public, and, so and economic systems. Properties of systems, exactly, as well as filling of the term of public systems happened within sociology. Properties of economic systems result from a possibility of accumulation of system knowledge. The author has allocated modern models and the purposes of application of system approach which allow to solve problems of studying of economic systems. The author shows that in modern agrarian economy it is necessary to apply constructive definition to a research of essence of system of the land and rent relations. The system of the land and rent relations within this approach, has to be considered as effective category. System researches of the land and rent relations in the agrarian sphere are based on general-theoretical duality of systems. The author allocates two approaches for understanding of systemacity of the land and rent relations. First, the system of the land and rent relations is investigated and as some subsystem of society. Secondly, as a nadsistema for the subsystems enclosed in her.


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