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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


I.A. Ostapenko, kandidat filosofskih nauk, dotsent,

Azovo-Chernomorskiy inzhenernyy institut Donskogo GAU. 

The article analyzes the system of mastering agroengineering directions of psychological and pedagogical knowledge by undergraduates. It is noted that the study of undergraduates of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle is an important element of the humanitarization of modern higher education and is conducted in accordance with the axiological approach to learning. The main thrust of the training should be the inclusion of undergraduates in the general scientific and humanitarian context, the emergence of them as future teachers, able to apply modern learning technologies, focused on the personality of the learner. Means to achieve these goals are able to be interactive methods and technologies of learning: free discussion and expression of one's own opinion, project technology, elements of problematic and heuristic learning, role play, etc. In the process of studying the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, the master student goes from the object of pedagogical influence to the subject, acquires qualities that can later make him a teacher of a new generation.


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