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Agrarian education and science

scientific journal


B.A. Voronin, doktor yuridicheskih nauk, professor,

N.B. Fateeva, starshiy prepodavatel,

N.F. Sharipova, magistrant UrGAU. 

Conflict is a complex dynamic phenomenon that requires a comprehensive approach in its study and resolution, taking into account its diversity, objective and subjective factors. Conflict situations arise in almost all areas of human life and may be explicit or implicit, but the basis of conflict is the lack of agreement between the conflicting parties. The conflict interaction of participants allows to Express different opinions, to reveal more possible alternatives when making a decision, which is the constructive meaning of the conflict. One of the most important factors that contribute to the choice of a particular type of interaction in a conflict situation is the previous experience of the relationship. Also, the choice is determined by the specific situation and the characteristics of the character of opponents. There are the following styles that people choose in conflict situations: adaptation (compliance), evasion, confrontation, cooperation, compromise. The basis of differentiation of styles is the degree of orientation of opponents to their own interests or the interests of the partner. The strategy of behavior chosen by the parties to the conflict has the most important importance for the further development of the conflict, can change at different stages of the conflict situation and has a key impact on the outcome of the conflict. The most constructive cooperation strategy is the cooperation strategy that allows to perceive the opponent as a partner and allows joint efforts, satisfying the interests of both parties as much as possible, to make the necessary decision in the final stage of the conflict situation. The article considers the ways of resolving conflicts depending on the style of the conflict.


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